
Hot news and information - the padlock Market supervision administration of four sampling: about 11 bicycle lock project, 15 spherical door lock project, 18

by:DIgao     2020-06-13
Questions about the safety of products not only is the enterprises are responsible for the consumer, more enterprises are responsible for the enterprise own. In addition to market products when sampling is quite necessary. On September 21, the state administration of market supervision and management on the lock products quality supervision and spot check result. 3 batches of 2018, a total of 56 batches manufactured by enterprises in the spot check the 56 lock products, there are 13 batches products do not comply with the provisions of the standard. The spot check according to GB 21556 - 2008 'lock security general technical conditions', the industry standard QB/T 1001 - 2006 standard requirements such as bicycle lock, mutual opening rate of billiard inserted core door lock products, lock tongue extended length of axial static load, the tongue, the tongue of lateral static load, the static pull hook tongue, tongue inclined lateral static load, locks and lock body connection, hold hands, hold hand radial static load torque, axial static tension of hand, locks for 11 items such as safety device; Mutual opening rate of the spherical door lock products, lock tongue extended length, insurance lock tongue function, hand torque, axial static tension, hand hold hand radial static load, the lock tongue lateral static load, the lock tongue insurance rear axle to the static load, night lock locks for nine projects such as safety device; Mutual opening rate of bicycle lock products, Angle of the left key and locks prevent tap open, exposed radial static load, set mouth under static tension locks, lock ring under static tension, wrench and lock ring joint static tension, bicycle lock lock bar under static tension, u-shaped bicycle lock under static tension, locks for safety devices, combination lock unlock, crab pliers pry proof lock, lock ring insurance device, u-lock 15 projects such as skiing, locking torque; Foreign mutual opening rate of door lock products, lock tongue extended length, the structure of the two-way locks, locks, billiard hole and screw Kong Jing tension static tension, static tension, hand shake handshandle static tensile, insurance NiuJing, static tension, safety chain lock tongue lateral static load, axial static load lock tongue, lock box static tension, lock gusset plate static tension, locks prevent safety devices, keys and locks the transmission torque and torque lock body upon a torque and 18 items such as hand torque; Mutual opening rate of mechanical anti-theft lock products, lock tongue extended length measurement and control and master lock tongue out after a damage status, locks and lock body connection static tension, lock box and combination lock protective casing strength, keys, a hand static tension and torque, torque locks for safety devices etc. Eight projects for the inspection. Spot checks found that this batch products do not comply with the provisions of the standard, involving mutual opening rate, billiard inserted core locks lock tongue extended length ( Inclined tongue) , bicycle lock u-lock pry proof project. Want to know more information about locks, welcome the attention
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