Any NanFang Metal Product offices in other countries?
NanFang Metal Product Co., Ltd intends to build several branches/ offices in foreign countries, depending on the business development and the market demand. We actively participate into different exhibitions and seminars. This is a way to keep in touch with you and the world. The construction of branches/ offices is a way to be nearer to you.

The quality and quantity of production of Professional household cabinet door hinge drawer slide manufacturer KEL Digao furniture hardware accessories are at the leading level in China. NanFang Metal Product's showcase lock series are created based on unremitting efforts. The whole production process of DIgao,KEL wardrobe tube is well-controlled and efficient. A perfect blend of convenience and fashion is created by this product. High stability and reliability are the obvious characteristics of the product. It can withstand daily heavy use and is not damaged by a blackout or other emergencies. Users will enjoy the designer style and superior security with this product.

Professional household cabinet door hinge drawer slide manufacturer KEL Digao furniture hardware accessories aims to become an international brand sensation. Call!
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