
290 baby safety shower: a unique format for providing pediatric injury prevention education.

by:DIgao     2020-08-06
The purpose of this project is for the first-
Parents of infants under 6 months in the baby safe shower format and evaluate the validity of this format in terms of knowledge retention.
Method participants include:
Parents are pregnant or children are less than 6 months old.
Participants completed an information form that included questions about potential risk factors for injuries.
Each participant was subjected to a pre-test to determine the basics of child safety information and was provided with bath thermometer, toilet lock, exit cover, cabinet lock, door handle cover and car seat
Health care professionals gave short lectures on CPR, crib safety and sudden infant death syndrome, toy safety, choking hazard, water safety, smoke detectors, poisoning, stress management and shaking baby syndrome gun safety and car seats. A follow-up (post-test)
Call 1 month after the shower.
The analysis of the most common problems missed before the test compared with the correct percentage increase of the same problems after the test
Test, use z-
Scale test.
As a result, a total of 24 caregivers participated in two separate baby safety showers.
The most common problem in the 24 forecast trials is that the water heater should be set up to prevent the temperature of scalding.
Only 50% answered the question correctly.
However, 83% of the people behindtest (z = 1. 50, p = . 12).
The second most incorrect question to answer is about the safe positioning of the baby during sleep. Seventy-
1% this question was correctly answered in the forecast trial.
Same problem in post
100% answered the test correctly (z = 1. 63, p = . 10). Seventy-
1% of participants believed that it was safe for infants and adults to sleep in bed compared to after the test
In the test, it was wrong for all participants to answer this statement.
All participants considered smoking around the baby to be harmful before and after the testtest.
Response rate after 50%test.
Conclusion caregivers can learn important safety information about child injury prevention through the form of baby safety shower.
Individual problems showed that knowledge of safe water temperature and sleeping posture increased by 33% and 29% respectively (
Although natural attrition in the later period
Test statistical power below our planned detection limit).
We believe that baby bathing is an effective way to educate.
The purpose of this project is for the first-
Parents of infants under 6 months in the baby safe shower format and evaluate the validity of this format in terms of knowledge retention.
Method participants include:
Parents are pregnant or children are less than 6 months old.
Participants completed an information form that included questions about potential risk factors for injuries.
Each participant was subjected to a pre-test to determine the basics of child safety information and was provided with bath thermometer, toilet lock, exit cover, cabinet lock, door handle cover and car seat
Health care professionals gave short lectures on CPR, crib safety and sudden infant death syndrome, toy safety, choking hazard, water safety, smoke detectors, poisoning, stress management and shaking baby syndrome gun safety and car seats. A follow-up (post-test)
Call 1 month after the shower.
The analysis of the most common problems missed before the test compared with the correct percentage increase of the same problems after the test
Test, use z-
Scale test.
As a result, a total of 24 caregivers participated in two separate baby safety showers.
The most common problem in the 24 forecast trials is that the water heater should be set up to prevent the temperature of scalding.
Only 50% answered the question correctly.
However, 83% of the people behindtest (z = 1. 50, p = . 12).
The second most incorrect question to answer is about the safe positioning of the baby during sleep. Seventy-
1% this question was correctly answered in the forecast trial.
Same problem in post
100% answered the test correctly (z = 1. 63, p = . 10). Seventy-
1% of participants believed that it was safe for infants and adults to sleep in bed compared to after the test
In the test, it was wrong for all participants to answer this statement.
All participants considered smoking around the baby to be harmful before and after the testtest.
Response rate after 50%test.
Conclusion caregivers can learn important safety information about child injury prevention through the form of baby safety shower.
Individual problems showed that knowledge of safe water temperature and sleeping posture increased by 33% and 29% respectively (
Although natural attrition in the later period
Test statistical power below our planned detection limit).
We believe that baby bathing is an effective way to educate.
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