
sales from a bygone time: the brass knob antique store to close after 38 years

by:DIgao     2020-06-21
Selling antiques is a lonely thing in Washington.
It will become more lonely.
After 38 years of operation, the brass knob of one of the last buildings
Antique shops in the area are closing soon.
Like hundreds of antique stores across the country, the Adams Morgan agency has been struggling to cope with declining revenue from online retailer competition and changes in consumer preferences.
In this area, dozens of antique shops have closed in the past decade, and some people think the brass knob is the last insistence on the 21st --
Market power of the century.
Its departure in November will leave a gap for the Washington people looking for the 19th. and 20th-
Architectural details of Century rescue-
Think of the door handle, light fixtures, and fireplace.
The closure of this store also means the end of a small but focused antique community --
Lovers: art history students, museum curators, interior designers, who exchange notes, buy gifts, and admire the details of the old lampshade.
\"Whenever you walk in, it\'s like you walked into a store 20 or 30 years ago,\" Patrick Sheary said . \" A frequent visitor and furniture curator of the American Revolutionary Museum\'s daughter.
\"This is an institution,\" he continued.
\"You rely on it to be there in the way it has always been.
\"Behind the bright purple facade, the shop is packed with thousands of pieces of art from 1840 to 1950.
Bronze curtain hooks and ceramic door handles hung on the wall.
The ceiling is hung with arched arm chandeliers delineated by hundreds of hand-written paper price tags hanging in the air like tea bags.
Go deep into the store, or go downstairs to the basement, looking for bigger acquisitions by owner Donetta George, such as a Victorian-style light fixture with molded glass jewelry in it for $12,950, already in the store --unpurchased —
More than 10 years.
George can usually be found behind the cash register, surrounded by reference books and historical ones
She has decided to keep and Mark more and more precious items for herself as \"not for sale --
Evidence of 72-year-
The old man said with a smile, the professional harm of buying and selling beautiful things.
\"I think we \'ve done our best,\" she said a few days ago after announcing plans to close the store.
\"At some point you just have to fold the tent and move on.
\"George, originally from North Carolina, opened the brass knob with his partner Ron Allen in 1981.
In the first 20 years, the business boomed, but with the rise of online retailers such as eBay, the business slowed in early 2000.
When the Great Recession hit in 2008, the number of customers who had poured into stores over the weekend fell to a trickle.
The brass knob is not fully restored at all.
There are days when only one or two clients venture in.
It took George several years to close the door.
Every time she gets close to doing this, a customer gets big
Buy tickets to get the store through.
She\'s also helpful in owning these three companies.
Story building located near the intersection of 18th Street and Kalorama Road northwest, able to rent the top floor for additional income.
Kirk parmahathir, 64, said: \"Frankly, I think she has been working for us, so we will have a job . \" He has worked in this store for 30 years.
\"If I were in her position, I don\'t think I would last that long.
\"The store tried to adapt and launched a website and a Facebook account.
The efforts have not had much impact, Palmatier said, partly because the industry is facing a bigger survival challenge: people are not as interested in antiques as they were before.
Museum curator Sheary says homeowners now want to create minimalist interiors ready
Products produced by large retailers like Wayfair.
\"Now for the children, it will open as long as you turn the door handle,\" he said . \".
According to a recent survey by online antique market 1 stdibs, 75% of the artwork used by interior designers this year belongs to the contemporary/Modern category.
On 2016, the famous winter exhibition in New York canceled the limit on the number of old items, allowing items to be displayed for all time periods.
Salt Lake City used to be the country\'s largest antique store, and Scott Evans, owner of euro-treasure antiques, said business had become so bad that he recently presented 85 antique bed stands.
Like George, he started his business 38 years ago and expects him to close his store next year.
Saul Navidad, owner of parts and radiators for Cheverly vintage houses, Maryland
He began sweeping the floor antiques on the brass knob.
Since opening his own store in 2012, he has received a steady stream of customer referrals from George.
He expects his business to be hit when her store is closed.
However, Navida is more concerned about losing the brass knob as the Center for antique lovers.
\"I was cold when she told me about her decision . \"
\"This is a family here, so it-
It\'s hard to explain. It’s very sad. ”Sheary agreed.
\"Even if I don\'t buy anything, I can go in and talk to someone.
That is what I want to miss: that kind of comradeship, that kind of friendship.
On a recent sunny afternoon, George sat in her usual position behind the cash register to check the invoice for a client who wanted to rent a color invoice
Glass windows for taking pictures.
Opposite is the back of a box with a decorative door handle, a Palmatier fiddling with a piece of hardware.
A speaker plays Frank Sinatra.
It seems that a few hours have passed.
Suddenly, the bell of the metal door rang.
Someone is here.
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